What are "Deacons" in the Bible?


Anyone who studies administrative service in the New Testament as it pertains to the local Church will become aware quite quickly that the Scriptures relate much information concerning the character of the individual seeking an office in the church. What seems to be lacking, is the description of what they are to do. Obviously, God must be far more interested in who we are, than what we do as church leaders. If the church is lead by Godly leaders, this certainly is more important than any “job description” for them could be.

The Descriptive Term “Deacon

1. The term deacon is a transliteration of the Greek “diakonos”. The term was used in three common forms in the Christian Scriptures: “diakonos” (a servant);”diakonia” (service); and “diakoneo” (to serve). The use of the word apparently originated in serving food:
a. The wine servants in Jn. 2:5 and 9 at the wedding of Cana, where Jesus turned water to wine.
b. Lk.4:39 where it refers to a “waitress” as in Jn. 12:2; Lk.10:40; Lk. 17:8.
2. The word was also used in a general sense of serving and meeting of practical daily needs”. Roman government workers were seen as servants in this context (Rom. 13:3 and 4).
3. Those Hellenistic Jews who desired to be followers of Jesus (Jn. 12:36) are told that they must be willing to follow Him, as well as serve Him.
4. The term is used in the letters to the Corinthians in a “spiritual” form of service:
a. The support of saints is called service (2 Cor. 8:3-4).
b. The “ministries” of 1 Cor. 12:5 of the Spirit of God through believers are “service”. This same idea is employed in Rev. 2:19; 2 Cor. 4:1, 9:1.

Questions about Official Recognition of the Office in Scripture

1. An officer in the church?
The office of Deacon was established early in church history, by Apostolic authority, to care for temporal needs of the church.
a. They appear to have been the group called out to care for the financial divisions of needs for the
widows in Acts 6, though the term Deacon is not used in the noun form in the passage. (The verb “serve” is used in v.2).
b. We know that they held an office in the church, because they were mentioned in connection to it (Phil. 1:1), and standards concerning their character were specified in the Word (1 Timothy 3).
c. It apparently was understood to be people who were gifted with the intense desire and ability to serve people (Rom. 12:7).

2. What do they do? What is their function?
A deacon, from what we can discern from the passages above, is one who “God has equipped with a serving heart, and practical hands.” He is a man who has the greatest satisfaction in the Lord, serving Him in the temporal needs of the church.
a. In the first century, this idea included serving food to tables of hungry crowds, and dividing to the widows according to their need. It still includes such things.
b. A modern application of the office is to make them the caretakers of the buildings and practical needs (under the direction of the Elders), which God has entrusted to His church, (including the recording of the financial stewardship). They care for the bills as they come in, and keep accurate records of such things as are necessary to be responsible stewards.
c. They accept the direction of the Elders in caring for the flock. In practice, they may be called upon by the Elders to aid individuals by issuing them financial help, or some practical assistance. They must be prepared to call on congregants to aid each other as well.

3. Is it an all male group in the Bible? Are the women mentioned the wives of Deacons?
Women have an office. Though the passage of 1 Timothy 3:11 may be unclear in English, (as it regards this problem) it appears somewhat more clear in the original language.
a. The context of the passage is the selection of officers, and their qualifications (3:1).
b. The term translated in many texts “their wives” is the word “gunaikos”, and means “women”, not “wives”. There are many instances in the Bible where the term is clearly not the wife, and this term is used.
c. The key to seeing these women as “officers” is the term translated “likewise” at the beginning of verse 11. Note it is used in the beginning of verse 8 when the discussion shifts from Elders to Deacons. It appears the discussion shifted again in verse 11 to an office of females who desire to serve.
d. The women are not necessarily the wives of Deacons: The “Deaconess” in verse 11 is not specifically the wife of a Deacon (though this may be the case). She is simply a woman who meets the qualifications of character, with four special qualifications: reverent, not a slanderer, temperate (balanced), and faithful in all things.

4. Who Qualifies to be in an official office of Administrative service (The Deaconate)?
The following qualifications may be drawn from the principles of Paul’s writing to Timothy:

a. Deacons (1 Timothy 3:8-16)
1. reverent
2. not double-tongued
3. not given to much wine
4. not greedy
5. holding the faith in pure conscience
6. tested
7. found blameless
8. one wife
9. ruling children and household well

b. Deaconesses (1 Timothy 3:11)
1. reverent
2. not a slanderer
3. temperate
4. faithful in all things

5. What is the difference between the Elders and Deacons?
Functionally, we may illustrate the relationship and the difference by a godly “marriage”. Elders have the responsibility for the vision and direction of the flock, and spend much of their time in the study of the Word to identify the timeless principles that should be governing the congregation. Deacons focus on the practical service of the flock, under the direction of the Elders. Elders listen to the needs and desires
of the Deaconate, and try to act in a way that builds them up. Deacons try to offer faithful service to reflect well on the Council of Elders.

a. Eight Important Priorities of Eldership were sketched out by Paul in Acts 20:28-35, when he was addressing the Ephesian Council of Elders:
1. To keep right (personally) with God and lead others to do so (20:28).
2. To feed the flock (Biblically with truth) and lead (“oversee” in v. 28).
3. To warn, defend and protect the flock from the enemy and his representatives (20:29-31).
4. To study the Word, share it with a gracious and optimistic spirit (20:32).
5. To stay free from self interest (20:33).
6. To work hard at caring for themselves and those around them (20:34).
7. To be models of unselfish giving, especially to those who are weak (20:35).
8. To be public examples of prayerful men (20:36).

b. The Functional Work of the Deaconate is only inferred in Scripture, but the passages help us see they:
1. Are recognized as appointed servants of the flock (Rom. 16:1; Phil. 1:1; Acts 6:6).
2. Are people who accept appointment and direction from the Elders (Acts 6:6).
3. Are men and women of industriousness and busy (Rom. 16:2).
4. Are well thought of in the congregation, filled with the Spirit and faith (Acts 6:3-5).
5. Are known as care givers to many (Rom. 16:2).
6. May be gifted speakers and teachers, as in the case of Stephen (Acts 6:5; cp. 7:1ff)
7. Serve practical needs of the flock (“tables” in Acts 6:2).

A Legacy That Endures

A Legacy that Endures


Though the wise writer of Ecclesiastes 7 says “A good name is better than ointment; and the day of one’s death is greater than the day of one’s birth”, it must be said that many Biblical characters seemed to follow God in their lives, but the last portion of their life was marked by “not finishing well”:

– 1 Samuel ends with the stories of an unstable King Saul consulting the witch at Endor to see the ghost of Samuel (1 Samuel 28) followed by the crushing march of the Philistine armies, and the death of Saul and Jonathan at Gilboa (1 Samuel 31).

-Though the story of 1 Kings begins well with Solomon’s rise to power and commitment to building the Temple of God (1 Kings 1-8), his wealth and influence (1 Kings 9 and 10) is followed by the story of his downfall and death (1 Kings 11). Though that is true of most, it is not true of all – but it should act as a warning to us: IT IS DIFFICULT TO FINISH WELL!

I have entitled these two sessions: “A Legacy that Endures” because I believe this is a critical issue for an increasingly disconnected nation. What steps can we take to leave behind the message we have cared for so much during our short time here on earth? I have posed some suggestions form the Word of God in the form of seven questions.


Remember three truth principles found in the Scriptures:

1. Shelf Principle: God often powerfully used people at the point they thought they were “put on the shelf” and “least usable” to Him. Take for example John on the island of Patmos. Follow that with the house arrest of Paul.

2. Dependence Principle: Age and physical ability never caused God to pass over someone that was willing. Perhaps the most overt example is that of Moses, who in Exodus 2:1-10 blew through his first forty years (cp. Acts 7:23) of life as the privileged second in command of Egypt. For his next forty years (recorded in the balance of chapter two, cp. Acts 7:30), he was in absolute charge of a few mangy sheep in the Midianite desert, still posted as an outlaw on Egyptian post office wanted posters. When God called him at age 80 (Acts 7:30), Moses objected on the grounds that he was not credible (Ex. 4:1-3) and physically limited (4:10). God told him it didn’t matter if Moses walked with God in the work!

3. Partnership Principle: Many Biblical characters needed help. Moses’ inadequacies were matched by God sending along Aaron (Exodus 4:14-14) but Moses needed to model and lead. Paul’ heart sunk in Athens while alone (Acts 17), but God sent him a team to restore
him (Acts 18:18).


I think it DOES, especially in the Hebrew tradition of “the blessing” passed from a father to his sons in the Patriarchal and Matriarchal narratives of Genesis 27 (Isaac blesses) and 48 and 49 (Jacob blesses). Let’s look at a couple of principles from the blessing passages: Isaac blesses his children (Gen 27):

1. Remind them that you will be leaving, and there are some things you will need them to do (27:1-2).

2. Don’t hesitate to ask for help in the needs to be comfortable. Let them help! It will help them own the responsibility (27:3-4).

3. Celebrate their abilities with them! (27:4b).

4. Be discerning about their walk, and not naïve. You cannot influence the situation much longer, so be loving and understanding, but wise and discerning (27:12ff).

Jacob blesses his children (Gen 48-49):
1. Tell your children of God’s faithfulness and promises (48:3-4) and show them they are the continuity of the line of blessing (48:5-6, 15-16).

2. Make them get together before you are gone to discuss family issues (49:1).

3. Normally, you should be careful to annunciate both your excitement and love for them before any concern that you issue about them (49:3-4).


One senior man in our congregation said, “When I was younger and raising a family, I didn’t have time to make life about ME. Now I am old and go home to a lonely house, and care for myself. How can I avoid life being about ME?” What a good question. For the answer, let’s carefully consider the example of Joseph in a story in the Bible where he is separated from his loved ones, and could easily become tempted to be self-absorbed. Look for a moment at the thumbnail sketch of his life:

1. He was born to Rachel and Jacob (Gen 30:24) and the favorite son of Jacob (37:3).

2. Because of jealousy, his brothers sold him into slavery (37:26) and he ended up in Egypt (37:36).

3. God favored him and he was moved up the head of an influential household in Egypt (39:1ff), where he served until falsely arrested (37:20). In prison, God favored him among the prisoners (37:21ff) and he was eventually exposed as a man who had a gift of dream interpretation.

4. Following a dream interpretation for Pharoah, he was appointed a senior position in government (41:38-41) during a time when Canaan was under a famine.

5. His brothers came to be rescued by him without knowledge that this was the brother they had wronged (42-44). Joseph eventually revealed his identity (45) and his heart! Two Keys:
a. IT’S ABOUT THEM: Joseph focused on others around him in every situation, allowing God to bring situations into his life that would help him engage others on the level of THEIR problems (Baker, Pharaoh, brothers, etc; cp. Phil 2:1ff).
b. IT’S ABOUT GRACE: Joseph looked at the opportunities, not the obstacles, allowing others grace (45:5; 50:19,20). He learned how to bless and not be a hammer of judgment.


The Bible relates that some things are temporal, and others eternal. Some things change, and others remain constant throughout time. For believers, COMMON GROUND is always found in the things that do not change. How do you find that? The Bible warns against looking at the surface and making judgments. Look more carefully! Young people need what you have to teach in three areas (Ecclesiastes 7:1ff):

1. Observed pain (7:2)
2. Experienced pain (7:3-4)
3. Discipline pain (7:5-6)

There are a couple of guidelines for the teaching, however! (Paul is a great example of this in the Pastoral Epistles!)
1. Remember, we earn the right through loving acts to speak into the lives of loved ones.
2. They don’t understand your perspective because they don’t see through your window!
3. You have the credentials (by experience) to speak to outcomes, but you must do so with grace and a positive spirit.

Recall why God allows pain in my life:

1. Sometimes it is because of my sin (Gal. 6:7) “sow-reap”.
2. Sometimes it is allowed to keep me humble (2 Cor. 12:7) “thorn”.
3. Sometimes it is because I live in a fallen world.
4. Sometimes it is to test us.
Don’t complain: it tells God you don’t trust His judgment.
Don’t blame: it tells others you don’t believe God is on the throne.
Don’t isolate yourself: it tells others you don’t love them. (Naomi)


-THEY are not their bodies (2 Cor. 5:1ff), but eternally living beings we can love in life, remember in death, and celebrate in eternity!

-Naomi and Ruth chapter 1: The Pain of Covenant love.


Though many of the sins of David’s life caught up with him by the end of his life, yet he ended with his final words showing his life as both fulfilled and the great promise of God was left intact in his life. His final words are recorded in the waning chapters of 2 Samuel, and fittingly, many of them are the words of one of last composed songs. His last song (2 Samuel 22:1-51) was a celebration of WHO God is (22:1-3) and WHAT He has done in continual attention and deliverance of David (22:4-28), finished with what God MEANT to David throughout his life (22:29-51). Following that are the FINAL WORDS of the great King of Israel (2 Samuel 23:1-7). Note especially verse five: “Although my house be not so with God; yet He hath made me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure: for this is my salvation, and all my desire, although he make it not to grow.” He ended with the credentials that allowed him – having earned the right, through pain and powerful experiences – to praise God and to express absolute confidence in the future that God has ordered, as well as frankly acknowledge that not everything in his family was what God was going to make it… and in that, he ended well. He did not evaluate his life on what HE had done, for better or worse, but on HOW WELL HE KNEW the God he loved and served. That is the place to end well. Our confidence cannot be in the flesh, but in a God who is ever-faithful! Remember the saying: “Be GIVING while you’re LIVING so you’re KNOWING where it’s GOING!”

Dealing with People in Pain

People In Pain: Things You Should Know About God and Trouble

 Probably the hardest life experience for any religious belief system to address is the existence of “natural injustice” – the problem of pain in the life of one that seems innocent. The Bible grapples with this issue through literally dozens of life example stories. To understand the “why” of suffering, we must look broader than the simple explanations of each troublesome set of circumstances and investigate the larger issues of the nature of our God and the way He uses circumstances in our lives. The great truths of God’s purposes are woven together in the patterns of Who God is in the Scripture. The questions are not easy, but the answers are nevertheless very clear.

Because you are not a formula, this is not a formula approach. You are a person, dear to the heart of God. These are a collection of insights based on Biblical stories about pain and trouble that I believe help to sharpen our focus on why God allows suffering and how He wants us to respond to pain.


  1. God may cause or allow trouble and calamity in my life to lead me to repent of sin in my life. (2 Peter 1).
  2. God may use pain in my life to help me see Him in a new way, and learn to depend on Him more (Ex. 15).
  3. God may use trouble in my life to sensitize me to the needs of others around me (Mk. 6-7).
  4. God may allow me to face trouble because I live in a fallen world, and am surrounded by the consequences of the sinful behavior of others.
  5. God may use trouble as a press to test me. He may “squeeze me” so that I can see clearly who I am (and who I am not!) Dt. 5-7.
  6. God may use painful circumstances to help me adjust my appetites, desires and expectations (Ps. 90).
  7. God may remove some things from our lives to rearrange our priorities (Ruth).
  8. Some pain is a consequence of the wrath (consistency) of God. The sow reap principle, and other like principles fall into this category. (Eutychus and gravity).

There are responses that ALWAYS honor God when we are experiencing pain and trouble:

  1. Understanding that God has not lost interest nor power is the strength of my life (Habakkuk).
  2. Learning the greatest lesson: “God is GOOD!” is often the point of our experiences.
  3. Developing a sensitive heart for people and constantly being called back to searching out God’s heart is part of the Divine program.
  4. The companion of pain and trouble is a constant teacher and reminder of our need of our Father in Heaven.

There are three kinds of painful situations, each require different kinds of reactions:

  1. Situations in my direct control, that God desires me to learn from, confront and deal with in a Biblical pattern.
  2. Situations that are indirectly or partly in my control, where God wants me to surrender the part I cannot control, but face the part that is my responsibility.
  3. Situations where I cannot control any part of the trouble, God wants me to surrender to Him (acknowledge the obvious, that I rely on His work alone for an outcome that He will be pleased with.

We have two choices in our response to trouble:

  1. Turn and demand my rights, harden my heart and look for my internal sense of “fairness” to be satisfied. In this scenario, I expect life to bring honor and comfort and glory to ME.
  2. Count my life a privilege that is not deserved, soften my heart and try to discern God’s desire in my responses. In this scenario, I look for what can bring glory and honor to HIM!

1 Kings 8: The Fulfilled Life "The Secret Passion of the Intimate"

I sat next to them at a banquet. They smiled often but said little, even to each other. I tried, without being noticed, to observe the two of them together. They had the reputation of being the happiest senior couple ever! They glanced to each other, smiled, and even giggled a bit. They shared whole messages with their eyes. What a joy! I wondered about their secret. I wondered how people together for fifty or sixty years could have such a relationship. What was their secret? Last week we looked at what God said he wanted from Solomon, and noted that the obedience was just a means to a greater end – an intimate and personal relationship with him. How does someone get that? There is a secret that the text quietly passes to those who will look carefully for the “how” of the relationship.

Key Principle: When you have a vibrant private side to your walk, God will open public blessing!

The Public Side of His Life (7:51-8:21)

1. Followed through on the work God entrusted to Him (7:51a)
2. Put the treasures into God’s work in respect to His father’s wishes (7:51b).
3. Assembled the team together to complete to serve the Lord (8:1-4, 6-9)
4. Extravagant in giving (8:5)
5. Saw God’s blessing on the work (8:10-11).
6. Proclaimed God’s faithfulness (8:12-21).

The Private Side of His Life (8:22-53)

1. Unashamed: he stood before the Lord (8:22). In Matthew 10:33-34 Jesus said that the disciple that denied Him was no disciple at all, and could expect Jesus to deny the relationship later.

2. Personal in approach: Lord God of Israel, There is no God like you in Heaven or earth (8:23). Jesus began His prayer, Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be your name. Hallowed is from the word agios, or holy, which means UNLIKE ANY OTHER. Acknowledging the way God is distinct from men and all other living beings is important to Him. We must understand He is not ordinary, He is precious and alone as the God of the Universe. The angels before His throne cry out endlessly of His distinctiveness. If it is important to Him, it must be important to us. Do not say “Oh my God!” meaninglessly. Do not use His titles in explitives. He is unlike any other, and above every other. He is supreme.

It is the same as Jesus taught:

Principle #1 We are instructed to approach Him with tenderness: Jesus taught His disciples to pray “Our Father” since we are adopted into that royal family.

Principle #2 We are instructed to approach Him with reverence: “In heaven” Jesus reminds us here that we are not approaching an earthly father that is limited in his capabilities or his presence.

Principle #3 We are instructed to approach Him with respect: “Hallowed be Your name” – our Father is free from all impurities. He is totally separated from all evil. It was John MacArthur who pointed out “Praying this prayer places some demands on ourselves… it is a risky prayer:

I cannot say “our” if I’m living only for myself.
I cannot say “Father” if I don’t try to act like His child.
I cannot say “Who art in Heaven” if I am laying up no treasure there.
I cannot say “hallowed be Thy Name” if I am not striving for holiness.
I cannot say “Thy Kingdom come” if I’m not doing my part to hasten that day.
I cannot say “Thy will be done” if I am disobedient to His word.
I cannot say “in earth as it is in Heaven” if I’m unwilling to serve Him here and now.
I cannot say “give us this day our daily bread” if I’m not relying on Him to provide.
I cannot say “forgive us our debts” if I harbor a grudge against someone.
I cannot say “lead us not into temptation” if I deliberately place myself in its path.
I cannot say “deliver us from evil” if I haven’t put on the whole armor of God.
I cannot say “Thine is the Kingdom” If I am not loyal to the King as His faithful subject.
I cannot attribute to Him “the power” if I fear what people may do.
I cannot ascribe to Him “the glory” if I am seeking honor only for myself.
I cannot say “forever” if my life is bounded completely by the things of time.”

3. Relational in approach: Keeping your covenant by showing hesed to your faithful ones (8:23). Solomon knows that God’s mercy is beyond anything that can be understood in normal human experience. His trustworthiness is unimpeachable. He gives and gives and gives the undeserving and even often the unappreciative. He blesses the unloving and cares for those that don’t even care for themselves well. He is the ultimate caregiver to His people. He recalls even the specific nature of caring for promises he made to David in the time of Solomon (8:24).

4. Intercessory in approach: Solomon knows the relationship exists, and he is not afraid to call on God to ASK OPENLY on behalf of the needs of those around him, particularly those in his care.

A) Asked God to continue to keep His promises (8:25-26) regarding the throne and succession. He recalls the Word God spoke about obedience as a prerequisite for blessing. Having obeyed, he calls on God to fulfill His Word!

B) Recognized how vast God is (8:27), yet asked God to stay very personal (8:28 30). He does not presume to house God in aTemple. He acknowledges God’s awesome greatness, but asks that God continue to show Himself as a personal God, watching over Jerusalem’s Temple night and day.

C) Asked God to stand over the nation and reveal injustice (8:31-32). Solomon knew that men in the kingdom would sin and cheat each other. He wisely called on God to pick out the righteous and uphold them. “Russian reformer and Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn said in an address to Harvard University: “We have placed too much hope in politics and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession-our spiritual life.”

D) Asked God to reconcile the confessing sinners (8:33-34). Solomon knew that his people would hide their sin as Aachen did under Joshua, and defeat would come as a result. He asked that God would regard the people’s repentance and turn His face back to them.

E) Forgive the repentant nation when they recognize the penalty (8:35-36). He knew that God would have to send hardship on the people to get their attention when they were not listening, but asked that God would turn His face back when they cried out to Him.

F) Hear the downtrodden and plague ridden (8:37-40). When war didn’t capture the attention of the people, perhaps an illness would. Solomon wanted God to open his ears to the hearts of those whotruly repented before Him. He held God to no obligation to help those who did not repent!

G) Hear the stranger that comes to you by the testimony of the nation (8:41-43). He anticipated others that were not of his nation coming to God, and thoughtfully asked to be a nation of testimony, with a promise of God to offer.

H) Hear when the nation goes to war (8:44-45). He asks God to regard the people when they are on the field of battle if they turn their face to the Temple to pray for help.

I) Hear when the nation disobeys and is taken captive, and return them home again
(8:46-52). The longest part of the prayer anticipates another eventual captivity of the people as God promised in the end of Genesis they would be in Egypt. Solomon asked God to look down the road and yet forgive for sin not yet committed. This was not to escape responsibility, but to root the people’s enduring relationship with the land and the Temple.

5. Promise oriented (Rested in the Word – 8:53). Solomon ended on the note of God’s pattern of separating His people, and His enduring promise to care for them. He ended with the phrase he began with, “O Lord God”. The only thing that makes prayer powerful is the God that hears it! “Roger Simms, hitch hiking his way home, would never forget the date–May 7. His heavy suitcase made Roger tired. He was anxious to take off his army uniform once and for all. Flashing the hitchhiking sign to the oncoming car, he lost hope when he saw it was a black, sleek, new Cadillac. To his surprise the car stopped. The passenger door opened. He ran toward the car, tossed his suitcase in the back, and thanked the handsome, well-dressed man as he slid into the front seat. “Going home for keeps?” “Sure am,” Roger responded. “Well, you’re in luck if you’re going to Chicago.” “Not quite that far. Do you live in Chicago?” “I have a business there. My name is Hanover.” After talking about many things, Roger, a Christian, felt a compulsion to witness to this fifty-ish, apparently successful businessman about Christ. But he kept putting it off, till he realized he was just thirty minutes from his home. It was now or never. So, Roger cleared his throat, “Mr. Hanover, I would like to talk to you about something very important.” He then proceeded to explain the way of salvation, ultimately asking Mr. Hanover if he would like to receive Christ as his Savior. To Roger’s astonishment the Cadillac pulled over to the side of the road. Roger thought he was going to be ejected from the car. But the businessman bowed his head and received Christ, then thanked Roger. “This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me.” Five years went by, Roger married, had a two-year-old boy, and a business of his own. Packing his suitcase for a business trip to Chicago, he found the small, white business card Hanover had given him five years before. In Chicago he looked up Hanover Enterprises. A receptionist told him it was impossible to see Mr. Hanover, but he could see Mrs. Hanover. A little confused as to what was going on, he was ushered into a lovely office and found himself facing a keen-eyed woman in her fifties. She extended her hand. “You knew my husband?” Roger told how her husband had given him a ride when hitchhiking home after the war. “Can you tell me when that was?” “It was May 7, five years ago, the day I was discharged from the army.” “Anything special about that day?” Roger hesitated. Should he mention giving his witness? Since he had come so far, he might as well take the plunge. “Mrs. Hanover, I explained the gospel. He pulled over to the side of the road and wept against the steering wheel. He gave his life to Christ that day.” Explosive sobs shook her body. Getting a grip on herself, she sobbed, “I had prayed for my husband’s salvation for years. I believed God would save him.” “And,” said Roger, “Where is your husband, Mrs. Hanover?” “He’s dead,” she wept, struggling with words. “He was in a car crash after he let you out of the car. He never got home. You see–I thought God had not kept His promise.” Sobbing uncontrollably, she added, “I stopped living for God five years ago because I thought He had not kept His word!” [J. Kirk Johnston, Why Christians Sin, Discovery House, 1992, pp. 39-41. www.christianglobe.com/illustrations/prayer]

Don’t Give Up God is Working Out the Answer!

1 Kings 10: The Danger Zone

The Fulfilled Life: “The Danger Zone”

The man was clearly blind, with a cane in hand and a dog in tow. I got more and more nervous the closer he came to the edge of the cliff. He walked up to it as though he could see. Did he know how dangerous the place was? I almost couldn’t watch…but I had to see if he would stop before he got to the end of the earth and toppled downward. I was afraid and nervous as he walked up quickly, seemingly un-phased by the danger… Do you know people who are living on the edge? What does the Word teach us this life looks like? What are the danger signs we should read? Are there any safeguards we can erect to protect us from living beyond the wise place?

Key Principle: There are symptoms that we must recognize to keep ourselves from plunging downward.

Solomon had a great beginning, but that is just not enough! On a project around the house, a class in school, a job in church or in paying off some bills…. I mean we are out of that starting gate like hungry grey hounds chasing a rabbit…..But time passes and the diet ends, the exercise stops, we fail the class, the job doesn’t get done and the bills are still there. You see, though there is nothing wrong with a good start — it just isn’t enough — is it? Solomon had a great start — a good father, good advice, a good request, he performed as good project, he had a good prayer life and he wrote 3 good books….. But in the end we find the Lord becoming angry with Solomon and tearing the Kingdom from Him, Why? BECAUSE he no longer walked in the ways of the Lord…. “THESE THINGS HAPPENED TO THEM AS EXAMPLES AND WERE WRITTEN DOWN AS WARNINGS FOR US, ON WHOM THE FULFILLMENT OF THE AGES HAS COME.” (I CORINTHIANS 10:11). (Steve Malone, Southeast Christian Church, Orlando, FL)

Symptom One: Basking in Breathtaking Extravagance (The Wow Principle – 9:26-28; 10:4-5, 11-14). Breathtaking extravagance is the process of getting where no one around you has ever been (9:26-28), having what no one around you has ever had (10:4-5), building what no one around you has ever built (10:11-14) to the point that it “takes the breath away” from others (10:5b).

Problem 1. We miss the opportunity to bless the Lord in our extravagance! “I think the message in this story is “Take the BLESSING of God seriously.” Too often we brush everything off. We take it for granted that we live in one of the most prosperous countries in the world. We take it for granted that we have cars to drive and food on the table and a large TV in the living room… we need to respond to God’s blessing the same way the Queen does… We need to say in the words of Ephesians 1:3 “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” And we need to say in the words of 1 Chronicles 29:12 “Wealth and honor come from YOU! YOU are the ruler of all things! Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name!” (Pastor Marc Axelrod, Peace Evangelical and Reformed Church, Wisconsin)

Problem 2. We forget the lessons that WANT brings to us! The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “It is not good for all your wishes to be fulfilled. Through sickness you recognize the value of health, through evil the value of good, through hunger satisfaction, through exertion the value of rest.”

Symptom Two: Allowing an Unwarranted Reputation (Big Buzz Principle- 10:1,6-7). Allowing an unwarranted reputation is settling for people telling us we deserve what we have. It is believing our own press (10:1,6-7). Solomon was well known in antiquity, and many stories survive of his wisdom: “…the Queen of Sheba that she sent two wreaths of roses to Solomon, one real and the other artificial. To test his reputed wisdom she defied him to detect the genuine from the artificial. Solomon at once directed that some bees be brought into the room. Immediately they flew to the real flowers and ignored the counterfeit.” (Pulpit Helps) Maybe it was true, but it was not deserved. Solomon got what he got because of God’s goodness. He readily admitted later that he was not living the wise way he should have been in Ecclesiastes! There are six Hebrew Wisdom books are divided between three Didactic (teaching) writings and three Devotional (reflective) collections:

Three Didactic
-Proverbs (Mishlai – tapestry of illustrations). Key Thought: The Use of wisdom in life. Key Subject: Fruits of righteousness and unrighteousness.

-Ecclesiastes (Koheleth – from kahal “assemble”; the announcer; Greek: EK is “out of” and KLESIS – “a calling”). Key Thought: Futility of experience and rationalism without revelation. Key Subject: The Way to truth.

-Job: (Job). Key Thought: The place of trials in life. Key Subject: Crucible of testing.

Three Devotional

-Psalms (Tehillim – the range of praises). Key Thought: The place and method of worship. Key Subject: How worship works to draw me into God’s presence.

-Song of Solomon (Shir HaShirim – song of songs). Key Thought: The place of affection and love in life. Key Subject: How God views affection and yearning of heart.

-Lamentations (E-khah- “alas”). Key Thought: Destruction is not the end. Key Subject: the crucible of judgment.

Eight Empty Marks (Vanities) of Life:
1. Human Wisdom – 2:15,16
2. Human Labor – 2:19,21
3. Human envy and rivalry – 4:4
4. Human avarice – 4:8; 5:10
5. Human fame – 4:16
6. Human coveting – 6:9
7. Human frivolity – 7:3,4
8. Human awards – 8:10,14
Solomon showed he tried many things throughout his life that were not wise!

Symptom Three: Trafficking Unlived Advice (Talk the Talk Principle – 10:2-3). Sometimes we give the right advice, but we don’t live the right way at the same time! Trafficking in unlived truth is dangerous, but not uncommon among believers (10:2-3) -Charles Swindoll in his book on Grace puts it this way, “You want to mess up the minds of your children? Here’s how – guaranteed! Rear them in a legalistic, tight context of external religion, where performance is more important than reality. Fake your faith. Sneak around and pretend your spirituality. Train your children to do the same. Embrace a long list of do’s and don’ts publicly but hypocritically practice them privately . . . yet never own up to the fact that its hypocrisy. Act one way but live another. And you can count on it – emotional and spiritual damage will occur.” Charles Swindoll. The Grace Awakening. Dallas: Word Pub., 1990) p.97 -One of the subjects I taught was physical science for learning disabled kids. It was hard to get them motivated to do much at all. One day I showed the class a video about protecting the environment. It explored all the ways that humanity was destroying the earth and the steps we needed to take to save our planet. By the end of the video, half the class was unconscious and the other half well on their way to sleepy land. It irked me so I flipped on the lights and launched into a five-minute tirade about how they should care about this subject and do something about it. At the end of my mini sermon one kid named Sam, who never passed a test the whole year, raised his hand. This was odd. Usually nothing roused Sam from his sleep in class. When called on he asked, “Mr. Smith, do you recycle?” Stammering and trying in vain to save face I had to admit that I did not. With one stupid question Sam nailed my hypocrisy. I’ve often wondered if God didn’t work through that sleepy teenager to teach me a lesson. (Sermon central)

Symptom Four: Reveling in Flattery of Allies (The Golden Tongue Principle – 10:8-10). Your men, your servants, your God… On the surface it all sounded good. Was it true? Reveling in praise for things that belong to you Master to give as He desires is not good (10:8-10).
“Flattery is all right—as long as you don’t inhale.” –Adlai Stevenson Flattery is from the teeth out. Sincere appreciation is from the heart out.- Dale Carnegie Psalm 112:9 says that God has scattered his many blessings all over the world. Instead of looking at another person’s success and saying, “That stinks,” we should say, “Lord, I am thankful that I’m not the only person in the world who has been blessed. I am thankful that you cause the sun to rise upon the evil and the good. I am thankful that you have given us everything we need for life and godliness. I am thankful that we serve a God that didn’t just create the world and walk way. But that we serve a God who is involved with blessing us every day of our lives.” And after we get over the shock of discovering that God has the right to bless people as much as He wants, we should say, “Lord, thank you for what you have done for me personally. Thank you for the privilege of being alive in the United States of America. Thank you for my house and my family and my ministry on this earth. Now I wish I could tell you that Solomon was just as thankful to God as the Queen was. I wish I could tell you that he learned to be grateful for his blessings without getting selfish. (Pastor Marc Axelrod, Peace Evangelical and Reformed Church, Wisconsin) Jesus said that the queen was wise to comprehend God’s goodness for what she saw: “The Queen of the South will rise at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here.” (Matthew 12:42)

Symptom Five: Glory in Power Consolidation (The Build Up Principle – 10:15-17, 26). Power appears in symbolic ways. When we ready for a war that is not there, we often do so to our own peril. It was not for preparedness that Solomon stockpiled weapons, it was for vanity (10:15-17,26). We get easily caught up in our own visions of glory! Peter Marshall had this proper attitude in prayer: “O God, when I am wrong, make me easy to change, and when I am right, make me easy to live with!” (Tan #2954 epigram) During an operation, an experienced surgeon asked a young intern, “Who is the most important person in this operating room?” The intern (who was taken back by the question) groped for an appropriate answer. He didn’t believe (for a moment) that this mentor was asking (or fishing) for personal compliments, so trying to sound gracious, he replied (giving credit to the other people’s contribution to the team), “I suppose that it would be these nurses who assist you in such an efficient manner.” The surgeon shook his head and said, “No, the most important individual in this room is (not the doctor, the nurses, or the team, but) the patient. (Remember that.)” (Daily Bread 9/29/93)

Symptom Six: Lap up Status Symbols (The “Bling” Principle – 10:18-25). We can get caught up in the status symbols, but we are really masking emptiness (10:18-25). In a 1995 Forbes magazine released an interesting survey of the chances of a person having an extramarital affair with the income level he or she is making. The higher the income bracket you are in, the higher the infidelity level you will face. If a person makes $10,000-20,000, the chances of a person’s heart changing is 33%. If the person makes $20,000-30,000, the percentage is 45%. If the income is $30,000-40,000, 55%. If income is $40,000-50,000, 66%. If $60,000 and above, 70%. (Forbes FYI 1995) People tend to forget where the small pleasures of life and the simple things in life once they make it. Solomon made it big. He was a celebrity, a hit, a showstopper. Traders or spice merchants (1 Ki 10:15), governors of the land (1 Ki 10:15), apes and peacocks (1 Ki 10:22) made its debut in Scriptures and made their way into Israel for the first time. The king lived a life of influence, affluence and opulence. Solomon made a great throne of ivory for himself (1 Ki 10:18), and twelve lions were on the six steps leading to the throne. All King Solomon’s goblets were gold, and all the household articles in the palace were pure gold. Nothing was made of silver (1 Kings 10:20-21). (Victor Yap, Riverside CMA, California).

A Jewish story tells of Alexander the Great’s presence before the gates of paradise on his journey home after he had conquered the whole world. Seeing that the gates would not open for him, he asked for a token to prove that he was there. All he got was a human eye. Reaching home, he called all his wise men together. “O King,” replied the wise men, “place the eye in the scales and weigh it.” “What for?” asked Alexander. “I can tell you before hand that it weighs but little.” “Do it just the same!” the wise men urged. “In the other half of the scales place a gold piece. Then we will find out which is heavier.” Alexander did as they asked. To his surprise he found that the eye was heavier than the gold piece. He threw into the scales another gold coin – still the eye was heavier. He then threw a whole handful of coins and ordered that all his gold and silver and jewels be thrown in. Still the eye outweighed the treasure. “Even were you to take all your chariots and horses and palaces and place them in the scales, the eye will be heavier.” said the wise men. “How do you explain this?” asked the king. “How is such a thing possible?” “Learn a lesson from all this, O king,” said the wise men. “Know that the human eye is never satisfied with what it sees. No matter how much treasure you will show it, it will want more and still more.” “Your explanation doesn’t satisfy me. Give me proof,” insisted Alexander. “Very well,” agreed the wise men. “Have all your gold and treasure removed from the scales. Then place a pinch of dust in their place and observe what happens.” Barely had Alexander placed a little dust in the scales when they tipped to the other end, for the dust proved heavier than the eye. “Now I understand the meaning of your words and of what was in your minds!” cried Alexander. “So long as man is alive, his eye is never sated, but no sooner does he die when he is as dust! Then his eye loses its impulse and becomes powerless. It can no longer desire.” (Victor Yap, Riverside CMA, California) What can we do to guard against the slide into sin in spite of appearances? We need to be aware and observant that there are symptoms that we must recognize to keep ourselves from plunging downward.

Every year in Alaska, a 1000-mile dogsled race, a run for prize money and prestige, commemorates an original “race” run to save lives. Back in January of 1926, six-year-old Richard Stanley showed symptoms of diphtheria, signaling the possibility of an outbreak in the small town of Nome. When the boy passed away a day later, Dr. Curtis Welch began immunizing children and adults with an experimental but effective anti-diphtheria serum. But it wasn’t long before Dr. Welch’s supply ran out, and the nearest serum was in Nenana, Alaska–1000 miles of frozen wilderness away. Amazingly, a group of trappers and prospectors volunteered to cover the distance with their dog teams Operating in relays from trading post to trapping station and beyond, one sled started out from Nome while another, carrying the serum, started from Nenana. Oblivious to frostbite, fatigue, and exhaustion, the teamsters mushed relentlessly until, after 144 hours in minus 50-degree winds, the serum was delivered to Nome. As a result, only one other life was lost to the potential epidemic. Their sacrifice had given an entire town the gift of life.The people were saved by the sacrifice of others, but equally by the ability of one man to see the symptoms and interpret them in the lives of his villagers before they were lost!

Four ways to avoid a "second best" life

  1. Keep things in God’s Order: If you put the needs of your spouse, job or child above a hungry desire for time with the Lord, you are living a “second best” life.

  2. Stick to a plan: It doesn’t matter if the issue is whether to open email before reading a chapter of your book to your child or taking a call instead of cutting the lawn, we have to take control of our own schedules. If we don’t plan the day and work the plan, we are sure to live a “second best” life, filled with regret of the things unfinished. When I don’t control my day, others do – and that is frustrating!

  3. Learn the joy of something new: We get as stale as moldy bread when we just sit. Even if “sitting” looks like a busy life with a lot of work, same old equals drained old. Look at all the flavors and choose a new one. Pick from the other panel of the menu. Learn something new. It’ll keep you from a “second best” life.

  4. Learn the fundamentals of your life: We don’t have to do everything well, but we do need to be competent with the core skills of our lives. If I focus on doing what I do well, I remove any doubt in the minds of those around me that I am serious about what I am doing. I excel because I am deliberate about what I am doing. I avoid a “second best” life.

GCBI Alum in Central America shares lessons

There is no greater delight than to have your disciples learning beyond the walls of your classroom in the real course of ministry. Peachy Sloan is in Central America, and has been serving there since her graduation from GCBI ’07-08 class. She was a blessing to us before, but you have to read her whole letter to see how God is enriching her life in Him now…


Dear family and friends,


Here is an update on what is going on here in Waspam, Nicaragua. I have been here four months now, have two left, and am here as the only foreigner for the rest of the time. Many exciting things are beginning or continuing in a different way, as I had English speaking team members with me before now. It is amazing how life changes with the dynamics of a group. Here are some things I have been experiencing and learning.


Flagrant Disregard


Nutie, Camille, the Bagbys and I got to spend some time together discussing the events that had unfolded during the time of the teachers’ workshop, and planning for the DWD mission team to arrive before they did. One situation after another had come up where our plans were great, but apparently not what was on the Lord’s agenda, therefore were completely changed. We have been learning the lesson of maintaining open hands and extreme flexibility, while being willing to do what God asks of us, when it seems impossible. In a few words, nothing turns out the way we expect, plan, and prepare for it to. The description Mike Bagby came up with for this pattern we see is “flagrant disregard,” and it has continued to be appropriate for situations throughout the whole time the DWD team has been here.


Just before the team arrived, I experienced flagrant disregard that really upset me. I was abruptly uprooted, both physically and emotionally. I experienced a day that was one of the toughest in my life. I was going about God’s business, serving Him with a good heart, when suddenly I felt like several things I held very close were ripped away from me. I had hopes and plans that I really wanted to be realized. I had spent lots of time and energy preparing for what I thought would happen, but at least five different things, all very important to me, were flagrantly disregarded.


In a nutshell, I was assisting the first group who was here with their airport departure, while planning to see them off then head down to the teachers’ workshop, where my main English students were gathered for the last day of the workshop. I hoped to be able to teach them one last English lesson; I had a fun jeopardy game invented for them and spent lots of time on, while sacrificing fun activities with friends. I hoped to spend the next two days finishing my radio lessons for the following week that I would be gone so they could continue to be on the air. The payment for the radio time was due shortly thereafter, and I planned to pay before leaving. I also wanted to say goodbye to my friends and had some things to discuss before I left. My visa was to expire in 5 days, so it was necessary to get to Managua to renew it. That morning there was a rumor of a transportation strike, which could easily last a week, which meant that my flight would be cancelled and my visa would expire as I was stranded in Waspam. Nutie was in the same situation as I and she decided that we leave on the flight that morning… The flight that was to arrive any minute. As I packed my bags, I told God over and over, “I don’t like this!” But I knew God had a plan that I was a part of that obviously didn’t line up with what I wanted.


I could only look to God and from Him get the strength for the moment, truly living each moment at a time, because if I looked into the future I would have felt inadequacy, despair, and panic. I could only look at God and not at my circumstances. I felt like I was walking through quicksand, and if I took my eyes off my Lord I would begin to sink, like Peter did when he stepped out onto the water with Jesus. Throughout our time here, our plans are constantly flagrantly disregarded, and we find ourselves time and again holding our hands open before God, as our knees hit the floor, and we say, “Your will be done, even though I have no clue what is going on or how I will do this!” It is by God’s power alone that we see any fruit around here.


Going deeper


When we offer ourselves to Jesus Christ, He takes us up on it. Every year I have come here, this is my 6th trip, God has taken me to a deeper level of knowing Him and dying to myself. After all, that is what He called us to do, right? To take up our crosses and follow him… to death then into eternal life. Wednesday I began a Bible study, and since all four of the participants are believers with their own bits of wisdom to share, we had an interactive lesson. I taught on Ephesians 1:1-14, our identity in Christ, and the discussion went from what He offers us to what He requires of us, then to what I am willing to give. We talked about dying as a martyr for Christ, then to apply the lesson to our daily lives, I asked each one to give an example from his or her own life of dying to himself. I believe it was a great Bible study, and that God used me to impart a little more of His heart to the others. He also gave me insight into where these four teens are at spiritually. Three of them I have known for a few months now, and have grown to love them, and feel responsibility for guiding them spiritually. The fourth one I just met, she is a pastor’s daughter, loves God and has a fire in her spirit. I almost immediately saw a preaching gift in her, and as she is here on vacation, I encouraged her to start a Bible study when she returns to college.


I have been doing a lot of dying to myself recently. From parasites to the flu, I had been sick every other week since I arrived. Two weeks ago when the DWD team was here, I had the flu and was in bed for three days with a fever. My room was lovely, but it had a few leaks in the roof, causing an abundance of mold to grow in and on everything. I began to feel that if I stayed still long enough I too would grow mold. After the fever died down and I could put two thoughts together, I was so discouraged and sick of being sick. I considered changing my ticket to leave Nicaragua with the group on July 12th and to quit all ministry I was involved in to do something different with my life. The cost of my health was not worth serving God here. I had had enough. I began to hate everything except the people; the food, the surroundings, the weather, the smells, the culture, the poverty; you name it, I hated it.


At this point I cried myself to sleep on my moldy pillow, then woke up just as dismal as the night before. Nutie and a few others were just outside my room playing guitar and singing songs of praise to God that normally I would have loved to have joined in on. But instead I passed by them choking back tears. Usually there is a song in my heart, but at that time I could not possibly sing praise to God, I could only admit defeat.


I told Laura Bagby and Nutie Melrose how I felt, and they called the group together to pray for me. It may well have been a spiritual attack I experienced, because during their prayers my depression left, my attitude changed, and I felt hope again. Most of all, my perspective changed. God renewed the vision of serving Him here, and gave me His strength to persevere. Moment to moment, I chose to lay down my will, because it is not about me at all, but about Jesus and those He has called and who need to hear His word. I now have joy in living this lifestyle again, especially in the fact that I could not do it without my hero, Jesus Christ.


I had a dream a little while ago that I had a mission to complete, and everyone I knew was with me, but they could not help me with it. I knew it was dangerous and that I would get caught by the “enemy,” which was a vine, but I set out to complete my mission anyway. On the way to the destination, I asked everyone I knew where all the heroes were, who were the young men strong enough to fight the vine. None were to be found, so I asked everyone to send them as soon as they saw them. I set off on my mission alone, and got caught by the vine. It tried to kill me, and everyone came to watch but could do nothing to help. Just in the last moment, a young man signifying Jesus arrived and cut the vine off me. He was not too late, nor too weak to save me. The more pain I experienced, the more I appreciated when He rescued me.


This dream may seem silly to you, but to me it is very powerful, and I am encouraged often in remembering it. Here is a verse that I really like: 1 Tim. 6:17 – 19 “Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy. Instruct them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is life indeed.” When we live in our own strength, we are not living that which is life indeed. God doesn’t want to know how capable we are, He wants us to be available to Him.

Now that the Americans have all left, it is just me here with the locals. I am not lonely or sad because first of all I have God’s presence, and secondly I have a family and friends here who love me. I am so blessed. Some things I need prayer for are that now my accountability is long distance, I always appreciate prayers for health and strength, and please pray also for the relationships with the locals I will be developing and for the Bible studies and both physical and radio English classes, along with the preparation and help I need translating. If you want to pray for them specifically, Mayga and Celia are the young ladies I live with, and other friends/ acquaintances are Abelina, Migdelina, Paola, Angelica, Felix, Tony, Silpa, Salma, Marlan, and Joiner. Thank you for your prayers and support, it is very much appreciated.


In Christ’s love,


Peachy Sloan


Video Clip from Israel Trip DVD

Our study programs in Israel are still the backbone of our teaching ministry for culture, history and geography background on the Bible. For a five minute video look at our Journey Through the Bible tour in February 2008, click on the link!


If you want to order this in the US, contact us at ctsp@sprynet.com . In other parts of the world, contact us at info@kerugma.co.za .

1 Kings 9 (1): Read The Fine Print!

“But YOU PROMISED!” she said from the back seat of the car. Every parent has heard it before! In every agreement there are the claims and promises. In some there is the “fine print”; you know, the part that is so small you need a magnifying glass to read the number 3 font lettering. The fine print reveals the CONDITIONS on which everything else is based. Don’t you really appreciate it when someone makes clear the conditions up front? It settles your expectations!
God never wanted those who follow Him and wait on Him for blessing to misunderstand the real conditions for blessing. Yet it seems the “fine print” has gotten lost in many places that are claiming to dispense God’s blessings on His behalf. Could they have missed the “conditions statement”? Solomon had a unique relationship with God as a King that had pleased God. He was not only a king, but a gifted wise king. Yet, God took special pains over the centuries to record and preserve the messages of God to Solomon. Why?

Key Principle: God has revealed what He truly expects from each of us. It is not a secret or a mystery. He opened the conditions of blessing for any who want to listen to them.

9:1-3 At the time that Solomon did all the projects he intended (building his Palace and the Temple) that the Lord came to speak to Solomon again. God said: “I heard the prayer you offered, and I set aside the Temple as a special place where I invested both My heart and My name (as you asked Me to).”

I. General Pattern: God looks for the believer to produce from their heart a work from Him, based on their call and their gifts. He hears their prayers and He opens to them the supplies that ask for. In this case, God waited for Solomon to use the abilities that He gave him, and put together the projects that were on his heart. He listened to Solomon’s prayers and responded to the needs requested.

9:4-5 “Now concerning the part of your prayer for you and your throne, I want to restate the conditions of blessing. If you walk with integrity (from tawmam: to complete with soundness) of heart, if you walk uprightly (from yawshar: level or plumb), if you perform obediently my engraved unchanging principles (khoke: engravings) and ordinances (mishpatim: judgments), THEN your family hold over the throne will go on without end.”

II. Positive Claims and Promises: God asks believers to walk with two basic requirements: first, that they would live within the boundaries of His timeless truths or principles. Knowing us, God says, if you fail to do so, then hear my judgments on these things, repent, and do what I prescribe to mend the problems. When those things happen, you open the flow of blessing to what you have requested.

9:6-8 “In the event”, the Lord continued, “that you or any son of yours stop following Me (meaning, serve (awvad: labor on behalf of) someone or something other than Me), I will remove the blessing of the land from the people of Israel, remove My special hand of blessing in the operations in the Temple, and I will publicly cause the humiliation of this people to be on the lips of those around them. The Temple will be an astounding ruin that everyone will see and remark about the destruction and the reason for it – turning from Me to other gods.”

III. Protective (Negative) Conditions: God states that when a believer decides that some other goal is more important to work at than those given to him by God (when he was living to please the Lord) then three penalties should be anticipated:

1) Loss of the fruits of promise and blessing from God. In the case of Israel it was the loss of the Promised land. They would not possess the eternal inheritance they were given. They would still have claim to the land, but it would be iused by another people group – not them.
2) Loss of intimate touches in meeting with God – especially in worship;
3) Replacement of shame over the positive testimony of our lives.
God has revealed what He truly expects from each of us. It is not a secret or a mystery. He opened the conditions of blessing for any who want to listen to them.

Responsible living and the Gospel of Grace: Just as our walk began by the energizing work of the Spirit and the miraculous salvation through the cross of Christ, so the walk of the believer continues by empowerment beyond the work of the believer Himself. We must face our responsibilities, that is sure. Yet, we must also admit we cannot be all that God wants us to be apart from increasing more time with Him, yielding more of ourselves to Him, relying more heavily upon His power than ever before. It is not a simple will issue. We have to admit that we aren’t strong enough without the empowering work of His spirit and the cleansing work of His blood. We have to surrender to His desires consciously, or we will walk in our own desires willfully.

Need Notes for a Bible Study?

This blog is meant to help both my current students and anyone else interested in studying and teaching the Bible. If you need notes on a specific passage, send me message by commenting on an article, or by email and I will gladly post whatever I have on that subject or passage. I truly want this to be useful to you. At the same time, I haven’t “cornered the market” on truth. I just want to clean off of my hard drive twenty years of studies that have been collecting cyber-dust. Just ask, and I will try to get it up quickly for you if I can.